
The New Year is approaching and I felt like making a mental overview of my journey through some of the blogs so far. What is obvious when looking back is that I am different, I think different, I feel different. Better or worse, this I cannot say yet but definitely more content. A big contribution to my change has come from fellow wanderers who, at times, felt like being part of my family. Here are some of them, the ones mainly responsible for inspiring my questioning of the spiritual and religious, putting me at ease with their openness and honesty.

I may or may not be interested in the same subjects as you in the future but I am sure that I can be thankful for letting yourselves found.

Eva, Harold Knight, Recovering Agnostic, Mark Vernon,  a newly discovered Ashanam and others.

I know that you are not necessarily the standard believers but I reckon that the following text found on my friend‘s blog are the closest to my description of your online personalities:

I hope you’ve met at least one “Kingdom person” in your life. They are surrendered and trustful people. You sense that their life is okay at the core.

Thank you.


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2 Responses to Bloggingdom

  1. Ashana M says:

    Thanks for the plug, Sam!

  2. Eva says:

    Don’t know how I missed this- thanks 🙂

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